Reiki is the universal Energy of life

If Reiki can be spread throughout the world it will touch the human heart and the morals of society. It will be helpful for many people, not only healing disease but the Earth as a whole.”
(Words from Dr Mikao Usui’s memorial.)

You can use Reiki for

  • Yourself
  • Other people (adults and children) who are injured, ill or  stressed or who want to grow or change
  • for relaxation and well being
  • for personal growth and change
  • Babies, including in the womb
  • Beverages and Food
  • Animals, birds, plants and trees
  • Problems, empowering goals

Everything is energy and energy is everything - the possibilities are infinit and you can use your imagination and fantasy in which other situations Reiki is helpful for you and others.


First Degree Reiki Course

This 2 day course is based on the attunement which opens you up to the Reiki energy.


Once this pathway is established you are able to channel Reiki for the rest of your life using the energy for growth, self development and healing for yourself, your family and your friends. Once you have been attuned, Reiki will flow through your hands whenever you touch with the intention of healing or helping. Once you have received the first degree attunements, you will have this ability for life.

 All the techniques I teach at First Degree are very easy to grasp.

 Course content:

Reiki Definition & History, Meditation, Attunement, The Usui and Hayashi hand positions, Healing yourself and others, creating Sacred Space, the Reiki Principles, the effects of attunement and cleansing period

During the workshop we find enough time to practice Reiki on ourselves and on others and get experience how to sense the energy flow and how to know when to move on.

Despite having the ability to change your life, the Reiki I course is very relaxing and enjoyable. It usually passes far too quickly!

next Reiki Course  - Reiki First Degree Usui System:

18/19 April 2025

Second degree reiki course

Having the first Reiki Degree and having experienced allready how wonderfull Reiki improved your life you might whish to expand your personal energy flow and healing abilities. Then the second degree is the right next step for you. In the Second Degree 2 Day Workshop you are given three sacred symbols, or keys which refine, focus and maximize the energy flow, each having a specific function and vibration. You will receive the Power Symbol, the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distance Symbol. These symbols were put into your aura during the First Degree Attunements. What happens during the Second Degree Attunements is that these symbols are brought into your conscious awareness, enabling you to have more flexibility in your use of Reiki, in healing and transformation for yourself and others. The keys, or symbols, help to focus your mind so that Reiki energy can be sent beyond time and space, and much more. Completion of the Second Degree Reiki Course is essential for those wanting to become professional practitioners. However, because of the attunement, which further strengthens the flow of Reiki and the powerful new tools you will learn, many people take it for their own benefit and in order to do distance work.


Course content: Attunement, Reiki Symbols, healing applications, self-development applications, other application, Absent & distance healing techniques, Meditation, Chakren healing

During the workshop we find enough time to practice the symbols and the new additonal healing techniques. Each student receives a Reiki Manual and the second Degree Reiki Certificate.

Dates for 2025 - Reiki Second Degree Usui System:


09/10 May 2025


After the course

It is a pleasure for me to accompany you on your Reiki Path and you can contact me also after completing the course if you have uncertanities or questions.

Inquiry about the Course

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