connect to the earth

Did you know that the positive effects of a stay in the forest have now been proven by many scientific studies? That even in Japan a stay in the forest for various symptoms such as stress, burnout, heart and circulatory problems is prescribed by health insurance companies? In this blog, I will show you a short and effective exercise that will help you reconnect with the earth's very own power and regain some of your lost energy. 

You can do the exercise either at home or in a place in nature. If you do the exercise at home, simply visualise the following words in your mind. 


Your place can be a forest, a garden, a park or simply a tree in your neighbourhood. When you have found your place, make yourself comfortable so that it feels right for you. Feel where your body is connected to the earth and take a moment to notice the connection. Take 3 deep breaths. If there are too many thoughts in your head, don't fight them, observe them and let them move on like clouds in the sky. Thoughts slowly dissolve and lose their power. All thoughts come and go, all events come and go. Can you see and observe how everything is constantly changing? Can you see that many things that annoyed or offended you 10 years ago, 5 years ago, a year ago have now changed? Can you imagine how all the things that annoyed you right now have gone in one in 5 in 10 years? The earth helps you to let go of everything negative. Visualise now how all negative energy flows out of your body into the earth. There it is transformed and allowed to dissolve. Just imagine how everything negative is allowed to leave your body. 

What do you perceive?  Whatever it is, just observe it, don't judge it. Now visualise roots that extend from your body far into the earth. These roots are connected to all the resources, nutrients and energies that you need right now. A strong, pure energy is now flowing through these roots into your body. Every cell, every muscle and every organ absorbs this new energy. You feel the light flowing through your body from your feet to your head. Now in this MOment YOU are completely connected to the earth. Stay in this feeling for a moment while your breath flows freely and easily. Slowly and at your own pace, you slowly come back to the here and now, take another 3 deep breaths, stretch your body and are once again completely in the here and now. Full of energy and earth power. When YOU are ready, open your beautiful eyes. Thank Mother Earth and yourself for taking the time to renew your connection. Do this exercise often to make your connection strong and alive again. 


In the next post we will connect with the energy of water to release blockages and allow energies to flow freely again.